May 12, 2010

Quad poly cube (ZBrush)

  1. Select the Cube3D
  2. Set Tool>Unified Skin>Resolution to 16 (with 8 as ZBrush doc suggests I get bad cube).
  3. Set Smt to 0 (to activate cubical skinning).
  4. Press the Make Unified Skin button. This creates a new model in the Tool palette called Skin_Cube3DCopy1.
  5. Draw the new cube on the canvas and activate the Polyframe view. As you can see, it is now a polymesh object and the poles are gone. The only catch is that it has too many polygons.
  6. Press Tool>Geometry>Reconstruct Subdiv. This will add a new subdivision level to the cube below the current level. Press the Lower Res button to go to that level. The cube now has half the number of polygons, and the Reconstruct Subdiv button is once again available.
  7. Repeat the previous step a few more times until you're left with a cube made up of one polygon on each side.
  8. We no longer need the higher subdivision levels, so delete them by pressing Del Higher.

Original tutorial at

May 11, 2010


Ctrl+LMB select object name = Rename

3D View (Properties panel)
Item text area

May 9, 2010

Cut (Sequence)

K = Cut at current frame

(with Blender 2.49b Shift + K = Soft Cut at current frame)